
May the best Awesome NFT win!


  • Make sure your NFT hasn't already won a prize. You can participate with any other NFT
  • Pay the tournament admission fee of 5AW
  • 1 wallet can join the tournament with only 1 champion NFT. He can be accompanied by maximum 2 henchmen NFTs. The first henchman gives a battle bonus of 10 points. The second henchman NFT adds 20 more battle points
  • Don't use Premium Addons on your champion - these are only meant for PvP fighting. Make sure your champion NFT doesn't carry one. Standard addons however work as expected
  • The tournament smart contract will compute the battle points of each participating champion. The first 3 win prizes
  • First prize - 200AW; Second prize - 150AW; Third prize - 100AW
  • Check out past tournaments
  • Current number of participants:
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